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February 2025


 Dear Members, what a fabulous evening we had last month. The owls were beautiful and the talk was very interesting, I’m sure we all learnt a lot.  Many thanks to Sarah for the cake and refreshments.

This months meeting is on Tuesday 18th February at  7-15 for 7-30. Ecologist Finley Reynolds will give us a talk on "Garden Pond Management".
Finley gave us a fascinating talk back in September on the work he had done for the Hall Committee on how to attract wildlife to the Hall.
Do feel free to bring seeds to swap next week. However, March will be our main seed session, when it will be a more suitable time to sow.  
Seeds will be available to swap at 7-15 and at the end of Finley’s talk.
Cake and a hot drink will be available for £1. We are looking for volunteers to make cakes and to serve refreshments,  please see the list on the table next to the signing in sheet if you are able to help.
Dates for your diary -
March 18th "Seeds, Save, Sow and try something new." Please bring along any spare seeds and seedlings that you have.
April 15th tba
May 20th talk by Master Composter Jacky Smith
June possible garden visit. 
Other items of interest:
Saturday 22nd February Seed swap and shop at Yorkley Community Centre.
Good Practice sessions at Ow Bist, Cinderford on Monday 24th February.
Gardening Step by Step at Taynton on 26th and 27th April 
Gardening Biodiversity at Taynton on 24th and 25th May
Further information will be available on Tuesday at the next meeting.


January 2025


Happy New Year everyone!

Last months meeting was well attended and enjoyed by all. There was lots of food and mulled wine. Thank you to all who brought food, to Pete for the mulled wine , to Mike for the PA system and to Vic for the quiz, and of course thank you to Sarah and Lou for the raffle.

This months meeting on Tuesday 21st January will be a talk by Little Owlets based in Yorkley. They are bringing at least 5 owls to visit us next Tuesday. This is a rare chance for us to meet owls at close quarters.
Usual time of 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start. Tea, coffee and cake will be available at £1
Raffle prizes welcome.


December 2024


This month's meeting is at the earlier date of Tuesday 10th December and will be a fun quiz and social evening.

Mulled wine and soft drinks will be available and if you so wish please bring along some nibbles etc.

Please do not arrive before 7:10pm as parking could be an issue. The hire of the hall has been extended to 10pm.

It was with much regret that the last meeting had to be cancelled, the first time ever apart from during Covid which was out of our hands. Not only did the speaker cancel but the weather was not good. Apologies to those who turned up.
Our January meeting on Tuesday 21st January will welcome "Little Owlets", an owl rescue centre based in Yorkley.
The committee would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year 🎄


November 2024


Urgent News!

The meeting tonight (Tuesday 19th November) has been cancelled!!!!!

The speaker, Sarah, is worried that the tender plants she was bringing would not survive the sub zero temperature, and travel wise she is not happy about driving on potentially icy roads.

In view of this and the the possibly of icy pavements in Ruspidge the decision has been made to cancel tonights meeting. Sorry!


After an enjoyable October evening testing home made produce, we have a speaker for Tuesday November 19th at 7-15.

Sarah, from Garden Ease Design Services will give us a "Terrarium Creation Demonstration".

Sarah will also bring along some ready made terrariums (terraria?), small kits and terrarium tools for sale.

There will be hot drinks and cakes available at £1, and the usual raffle.

Please note, The next meeting will be Tuesday December 10th.


October 2024


Last months illustrated presentation by Finley was fascinating. Finley told us about the flora and fauna in a radius of 1km around the hall. He also advised on what to plant around the hall to encourage more wildlife. Apparently Ruspidge is a ‘stop off point’ for wildlife travelling from Ruspidge Halt to Soudley Ponds.

The Vertical farm was illuminating. I don’t think that anyone has ever seen so much basil growing. The farm is also experimenting growing other vegetables and herbs. Their other farm grows roses and trees. A tree takes 12 weeks to grow a decent height which would take 2 years in the ground.
This month’s meeting on Tuesday 15th October, 7-15 start, is a taster evening, combined with a light evening celebrating the Club’s successful year. There will be small amounts of unusual cheeses, chutneys and wines to try along with crackers and sour dough bread. Prizes will be given to those who can identify the main ingredients.  Many of the chutneys and wines have been made by members. Tea, coffee and non alcoholic drinks will also be served.  Do feel welcome to bring something sweet, or anything extra, eg beer or wine.  Please bring a small glass for tasting if you have one.

Then we will chat about anything that has been successful in the damp, dull spring and summer.  Samples appreciated.  Hopefully some of us will learn what to grow in the future, or how to grow it!

From the November meeting tea and coffee will be available at £1 for a hot drink and a piece of cake. Dee and Veronica have offered to kick start this again. A rota will be put out for anyone able to do this at future meetings and if anyone is happy to make a cake there will be a rota to put your name down. 


September 2024

Next Tuesday is the Club AGM so please bring your membership money, £12 per member.
We also will have a talk by Finley Reynolds on enhancing the wildlife around the hall. Finley is an ecologist for Worcestershire Wildlife Trust who also lives in Ruspidge.  His presentation will advise on how the area around the Hall could be more wildlife friendly, whilst making it more useable for the local community.  This links in with the grant obtained by Nicky Herbert for a Community Garden, which many of you are supporting.


We will also be taking names for our visits to the Vertical Farm in Lydney on Wednesday 25th, Thursday 26th September. 
We cannot access the Hall until 7.05 pm, line dancing doesn’t finish until 7.00pm.

7.30pm, Finley’s presentation about enhancing wildlife around the Hall.  
8.30pm, break for raffle and sort out visit lists.
9.15pm close,


August 2024


Last months meeting was a talk by Robert Champion on ‘Home Grown Cut Flowers’. Robert brought along some very healthy plants for sale at a reasonable price.

This months meeting 0n Tuesday20th, is a talk by Roger Umpelby, "The Bugman" on ‘Friends and Foes in the Garden’. Usual time of 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start. Raffle prizes are always welcome.

It’s only a few weeks until the Plant and Produce sale on behalf of the hall roof fund on Saturday 7th September so this newsletter is earlier than usual. It would be amazing if we could raise £300 for the new roof, less than half of what we raised in May. 
So we need to -
1. Sow seeds, try herbs, perennials, or house plants.  I have seeds of the first two, that I can deliver to anyone prepared to have a go.
2. Take cuttings of any of your favourite perennials or shrubs, it may not work at this time of year, but it’s worth trying.
3. Split bits off plants spreading too much, possibly the easiest option.
4. Preserve anything you have in excess, eg jams, chutneys, pickles.
5. Bake nearer the day.
If you can think of anything to add to this list please email either Sally sallymg@live.co.uk or Lynn lynn.e@btinternet.com



July 2024


The next meeting will be on Tuesday July 16 at the normal time of 7-15, when the speaker will be Robert Champion with a talk entitled "Home Grown Cut Flowers"

Robert will be using his own plants for his demonstration and will also have some for sale.

Pimms will be served, to thank members for their efforts at the plant sale.

Fruit juice will also be available.



June 2024


The June 18th meeting will be a members meeting, consisting of a Garden Question Time, a review of the plant sale, what went well and what could be improved, and a showing of members photographs.


Please email any advance questions to Mike (oldrunner4873@gmail.com) or Lisa (medcalfewoodward@yahoo.co.uk.


Also any photographs you would like to show should be sent to Mike.


We are arranging a visit to Poole Cottage, Coppitt Hill on the 9th of July. The cost will be a club subsidised cost of £5 for members and £10 for non-members. As the visitor numbers are limited, if you wish to go on the trip please bring your money to the June meeting and pay Mike to book your place. Transport can be arranged.


There will be a meeting on July 16 at the normal time when the speaker will be Robert Champion with a talk entitled "Home Grown Cut Flowers"



May 2024



Don't Forget!!!!


Plant Sale




Saturday 11th May 2022


2.00p.m. – 4.00p.m.


             Plants, Drinks & Homemade Cakes              Entrance Free!




If possible please bring any plants and or cakes (cakes are nearly as important as plants!) to the Hall between 12 noon and 1pm on Saturday.

Please label  your plants, it helps the sellers if they know what they are selling.

Plants can be left behind the wall under the noticeboard if you are not around on Saturday.

Sally can collect tender plants or cakes on Friday or Saturday morning. (sallymg@live.co.uk , 01594 781449.)

Please tell your friends and neighbours about the Sale, word of mouth still works.

April 2024
The feedback received from last months meeting has been positive, Philip Aubrey’s talk on Propagation was very informative, and many people bought plants and pictures. 
This months meeting on Tuesday 16th April, usual time of 7-15pm, is a talk by Caroline Sheldrick on ‘Medicinal Herbs in the Garden’.
Some members have been to one of her talks before and she’s a very good speaker. One not to miss.
You can read all about her if you put her name in Google or similar. Caroline will have some of her herbal products for sale.
As always raffle prizes are welcome.
On Sunday May 5th there is an open garden, 1:30pm-5pm, at Ramblers, Lower Common, Aylburton GL15 9DP.
Entrance fee is £5, cash only, children free, and refreshments will be be available at an extra cost. Previous visitors have said how marvellous this garden is.
The owners do not take group bookings, so the club is not arranging a visit, but everyone is welcome to make their own arrangements.
Plant sale on Saturday 11th May at 2.00pm until 4.00pm



February 2024


Dear Members, last months speaker, Lizzie Godden, gave a very interesting talk on natural dyes for materials and threads. She showed us her work on the Japanese art of Shibori, similar to tie dying. A few of us had a go at ‘Eco Art’ which is leaf printing. Who knew that such lovely prints could be made using rusty water, leaves and paper squashed between 2 tiles and boiled for 15 minutes!


This months meeting is on Tuesday 20th February, usual time of 7:15pm. The theme is seeds with a general discussion on seed sharing, saving, buying and growing. Please bring along any seeds for swapping. Pete Graham will also give an illustrated talk on Auriculas. 


Please don’t forget  to send your photos to Mike Wild  oldrunner4873@gmail.com along with a short description.

If you aren’t able to email photos bring along an actual example.


As always feel free to bring your own drink. 


Raffle prizes are always welcome, though don’t feel put out if they are saved for a future month. Every one of them supports the clubs finances


The Hall Committee has received a strong complaint about parking so please be mindful when parking. There is usually plenty of space in Railway Road. 


 December 2023


Dear Members, last months talk, ‘Murder, Magic and Plant Potions’ by Marion Stainton really was thought provoking. A lot of popular plants that we all grow in our gardens are poisonous but luckily not in a large enough quantity to do any harm. 
We received a very warm welcome from Jason Morgan on our visit to Woodside Distillery. It was an informative and enjoyable evening. If you weren’t able to go I can thoroughly recommend booking to go.
This months club is on Tuesday 12th December, usual time of 7:15 for 7:30pm and it’s our Christmas party. It will start with Woodys Quiz, followed by refreshments brought by members, anything will be welcome. Mulled wine and non alcoholic drinks will be provided by club, as will tea and coffee. If you have anything spare in your cupboards please wrap it in Christmas paper or anything you have to hand as a raffle prize. The hall is booked until 10pm for a relaxing evening.
The next meeting on Tuesday 16th January 2024 will be a demonstration on ‘Colour and Prints with Plants’ by Lizzie Godden. Lizzie dyes items from nature.
Nicky Herbert has placed a Forest Foodbank Collection box in the Hall for anyone wishing to donate to this much needed cause.
To anyone not able to go to this months meeting we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 🎄



November 2023


At this months meeting on Tuesday 21st November Marion Stainton will give a talk entitled ‘Murder, Magic and Plant Potions’.

The following is taken from Marion’s internet page :- "An arrow tip poison: a witches flying ointment: a murderous potion & deadly poison; addictive; with psychoactive properties; a wine that may help prevent flu; a cause of severe stomach upset & a cure for cancer; one to induce heart failure; another to reduce the risk of heart disease.  These are all properties of plants that can be found in or near your garden, plus quite a few more.  Add to this some myths and folklore and you have a fascinating alternative view of those lovely plants we walk innocently by every day." 

You will never view your garden in the same way again! Usual time of 7:15pm for 7:30pm start.

There will be no tea or coffee provided but please feel free to bring your own ready made. 


Not too late to take shrub cuttings etc for Lisa. If you have any please put them over Lisa’s fence (multi coloured fence next door but one to the hall).


Please let Sally know by Monday 20th November if you would like to go on the gin tour on Thursday 23rd November. All payments to be made by Tuesday 21st. If you are not able to go to this months meeting and are going on the gin tour the directions are - go to Winner Garage Skoda, there will be 'orange' arrows signposted for parking and entrance to Woodside Distillery. Please arrive by 7:30pm.


Change of date for your diary/calendar, next months meeting is on the earlier date of Tuesday 12th December. Club will provide alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks but we are asking you to bring along buffet style (Christmas) food. More details to follow next month.


October 2023


This months meeting on Tuesday 17th October is a talk entitled  ‘A productive year in a small greenhouse’ by Nick Morgan of Coleford. Usual time of 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start. Tea and coffee will be available in the kitchen on a make your own basis so please arrive at 7:15pm if you would like one before the meeting starts.


Raffle prizes are always welcome.


The date for the Woodside gin tour has been confirmed as Thursday 23rd November . They’re doing a special rate for us of £10 per person. Non alcoholic gins are also available for tasting. To secure your place please bring your £10 fee to this months meeting or pay via BACS. You can find out all about them on line at woodsidedistillery.co.uk


Up and coming events -

November 21st  ‘Murder, magic and plant potions’ by Marion Stainton.

November 23rd Woodside Gin Tour

December 12th (please note the change ofdate) Woody’s Xmas quiz, food and a few surprises

January 16th Lizzie Godden "Colour and Prints with Plants".

February 20th Megan GWT "Severn Treescapes - Increasing Woodland Connectivity".

March 19th Plant sale planning and ideas. Pete will give a short talk on auriculas and primulas, hopefully with a plant dispay.

April 16th TBA

May 11th Plant Sale

May21st Trip

September 2023


Next months meeting is on Tuesday September 19th. 

PLEASE NOTE, start time is now 7-00, NOT 7-15 for 7-30 as previously posted. September is always the AGM so please remember to bring your subscription for next year, £12. a bargain! Visitors welcome.

The AGM should only take about 15 minutes.


There will be the usual raffle.


It would be interesting if you could bring in any fruit, veg or flowers that are still about and that have done well (or been horrible failures!) to show everyone. Also anything that’s grown that you don’t know the name of.


If you have any produce to share on the evening such as  chutney, jams, cordials, home made alcohol etc please bring them along. Club will provide cheese, biscuits, soft drinks and samples of the latest local beers and ciders. Any beer and cider remaining at the end of the evening will be sold, so bring some money!

We will be having a slide show during the evening. Please take photographs of any plants that have done well, or badly, in your or your friends and neighbours gardens. Please email all photographs to Mike - oldrunner4873@gmail.com

August 2023


We had a bit of a wet meeting at the Asha Centre last month. Still it was a really lovely visit. The roses had been battered by the previous weeks weather and so were not in full bloom as hoped.

Walking around the garden there were lots of surprises, the pond with a view through a bridge to a statue of Buddha, the labyrinth, the willow circle and lots more. It’s a retreat and that is evident by how peaceful it felt. We were made very welcome.


This months meeting on Tuesday 15th August at 7-15 for 7-30 start is  about composting.

We are delighted to welcome Ken Power, who is a Master Composter from GCC, (the council not the cricket club!), Ken will give us a practical talk entitled "Composting and Soil Health".

Composting is an important part of gardening and every garden should have a compost heap.

Ken will be happy to answer any questions you may have afterwards. 


Coffee and tea available from 7-15.

Occasional visitors £2

As always, raffle prizes are appreciated.


Finally, we have two photographs, taken by Fiona, of flowers in her garden.




July 2023


The garden visit to Weir Reach, Maisemore last month was well supported and the hosts were very welcoming and eager to answer any questions. We did have a slight shower but managed to stay dry and enjoyed a drink and a piece of cake in their fabulous garden.

On Sunday 25th some of us visited a garden in Yorkley. Although much smaller than the one in Hartpury it was nevertheless inspiring and over £300 was raised for Cancer Research.

This months meeting on Tuesday 18th July is another garden visit, this time to the Asha Centre in Flaxley and it’s free. Could everyone please meet near Ruspidge Hall, possibly Railway Road, at 6:45pm. For those of you who would like a lift please contact Sally, sallymg@live.co.uk or 01594 781449 or if you could offer a lift to someone please do so. If you haven’t already looked at the Asha website it might be worthwhile:




There is a lot more than roses to see.  A biodynamic vegetable garden, orchards and a herb garden for example. We will be able to help ourselves to tea or coffee and biscuits. Also, for those who haven’t been to St Anthony’s well, a stroll along the track to see it, and taste the pure spring water, after the visit, is a possibility.

Don’t forget to take any photos of your garden for the website etc. and send to peterjg17@live.co.uk

June 2023


Dear Members, a reminder that next weeks meeting on Tuesday 20th June will be a garden visit to:


Weir Reach, The Rudge, Maismore, Gloucester, GL2 8HY


Meet at Weir Reach at 7pm. If you haven’t already contacted Sally it’s not too late (sallymg@live.co.uk)

Do not go to the Memorial Hall.

Do not phone Sally, she is away Friday and Saturday.


Country garden by the River Severn. Approx 2 acres, half cultivated with herbaceous beds and mixed borders plus fruit and vegetable cages. Clematis and acers, stone ornaments, small sculptures, bonsai collection. Planted rockery with waterfall and stream connect 2 ponds. Large specimen koi pond borders patio. Meadow with specimen and fruit trees leading to river and country views.


Another garden visit 😀. It’s a small, new garden at 3 Woodland Place, Yorkley GL15 4SA. They’re opening their garden on Sunday 25th June, 10am-4pm in aid of Cancer Research UK, a very worthy cause. There will be a bucket for donations and a few plants for sale. I do hope that members will be able to support them, even for an hour, as it’s their first venture into opening their garden and they hope to make it an annual charity event. There’s a vegetable patch, flowers and shrubs. If you decide to go please let me know (lynn.e@btinternet.com or 01594 822511) as they would like to know numbers as free refreshments and cakes will be available.


May 2023


Just to update you about future events and remind you about the Plant Sale next Saturday.
If possible please bring any plants and or cakes (cakes are nearly as important as plants!) to the Hall between 12 noon and 1pm on Saturday.

Please label  your plants, it helps the sellers if they know what they are selling.

Plants can be left on the patio by the Lower Hall if you are not around on Saturday.

Sally can collect tender plants or cakes on Friday or Saturday morning. (sallymg@live.co.uk , 01594 781449.)

Please tell your friends and neighbours about the Sale, word of mouth still works.

Garden Cub meeting Tuesday, 16th May.
Viv and John Whitney have kindly invited us to visit their wonderful garden, hopefully the wisteria will be out.  They live at 22, Hewletts Way, GL14 3AJ. Parking is difficult, if possible walk from Ruspidge Road or Railway Road.

Anytime after 6-30pm is fine, then back to the Hall (7-30 to 8pm) for a glass of Pimms. Bring nibbles if you want.

Any left over plants from the sale will be distributed,🤞none. 

Visit to Bramblegarth, Upleadon, near Newent, Sunday 21st May, 11am.
Many members were impressed by the photographs of Pam Turner’s garden, easy to maintain, with a large variety of alpines. Pam is happy for a small group of us to visit.

Lifts can be arranged on the 16th. The cost is £5, all proceeds donated to rehoming earthquake survivors.

Thanks in advance for anything sent for Saturday, and for all the help being offered.

April 2023

At our April meeting, Pam Turner gave us a fascinating illustrated talk entitled "Alpines", with slides showing alpine plants throughout the year.


March 2023


Thank you to Nicky and Lisa for demonstrating seed sowing and answering questions at our meeting in February.


For our meeting on March 21st Ian Sadler will give us a talk entitled "Formative, Restrictive or Renovation pruning or Plant a Witches Broom". Described as "Formative for a balanced framework, restrictive to maintain size, or tough renovation pruning when things have got out of hand-or perhaps select a witches broom for an easier life!"  As usual, the hall will be open at 7-15 for a 7-30 start. Also as usual there will be a raffle at £1 for a ticket.


Sally will bring along all the seeds left over from last month, please take any you would like, no need to swap (better used than wasted).


On Tuesday 18th April, Pam Turner will give us an illustrated talk entitled "Alpines".

Primulas coming into flower in the greenhouse on March 15th.

February 2023


Welcome to February, things are starting to dry up and its feeling a little bit warmer.


Mary Fenton, gave us a fascinating illustrated talk on 'The Wonder of Trees or Life in the Slow Lane' for our January meeting. 


The Club February meeting on Tuesday 21st at 7-15pm will be our annual seed swap. Left over commercial and home harvested seeds will all be welcome. Paper bags will be available if packets need to be shared.
Knowledgeable members will give us guidelines on sowing seeds, making paper pots from old newspaper, rooting tree cuttings and ground preparation during February and March.

Please send photographs of unseasonal flowering or growth you have seen in your gardens to our treasurer, Mike, email oldrunner4873@gmail.com

For our meeting on March 21st Ian Sadler will give us a talk on "Formative, Restrictive or Renovation pruning or Plant a Witches Broom", quite a mouthful!
More information closer to the date.



January 2023

Happy New Year! It's been a wet, miserable start to the year, but spring is on the way as these snowdrops in Sally's garden demonstrate.

On Tuesday 17th January our speaker is Mary Fenton, giving an illustrated talk on 'The Wonder of Trees or Life in the Slow Lane', what amazing plants trees are, so much life depends on them.
The meeting starts at 7-15pm, cost for non-member visitors is £2.  There will be an optional raffle, tickets £1 each. 

December 2022


Dear members, a little reminder that our meeting on Tuesday 6th December will be our club Christmas Party. The hall will open  at the usual time of 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start. We will begin with Woody’s Quiz, always a firm favourite, and then proceed to food and drink. This years theme is port and cheese. Non alcoholic drinks will also be available. If anyone has any homemade chutneys etc to go with cheese please feel free to bring them along. The meeting will be extended to 10pm to give you all time to eat, drink and be merry 🧀🍷🤸


We hope to have a bumper raffle so please bring along a wrapped prize if you have anything to hand. You can  wrap it in any type of paper, Christmas, birthday or even newspaper. Don’t feel that you have to go out and buy something.


 Also please bring a glass suitable for port or a soft drink. There are a limited number of glasses in the hall cupboard if you forget. 


Many thanks, RGC committee.🧀🍷🤸

November 2022


Dear Members, last months Q&A session was very informative. It seems that we will have to adapt to the climate change. It wasn’t all doom and gloom by any means and many of you are now planting more exotic things to eat and make your garden look beautiful.


On Saturday 12th November we have some crocus bulbs to plant at the Hall. These have been donated by the Forest of Dean Rotary club. If you are able to help, it shouldn’t take too long, we are meeting at 2pm. Please bring along a metal trowel or small spade. 


The next meeting on Tuesday 15th November, at the usual time of 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start, is a talk by Duncan Coombs entitled ‘Barks, Stems and Evergreens for the Winter Garden’. Mr Coombs has recently retired as a lecturer in Decorative Horticulture.


The December meeting on Tuesday 6th December will be our club Christmas Party. The hall will open  at the usual time of 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start. We will begin with Woody’s Quiz, always a firm favourite, and then proceed to food and drink. This years theme is port and cheese. Non alcoholic drinks will also be available. If anyone has any homemade chutneys etc to go with cheese please feel free to bring them along. The meeting will be extended to 10pm to give you all time to eat, drink and be merry 🧀🍷🤸.


Keep Gardening, RGC committee.

October 2022

Dear Members, at last months AGM the committee stood down and the following were elected for the coming year:-

Chair - Lisa Woodward

Vice Chair and Events - Sally Graham

Treasurer- Mike Wild

Secretary- Lynn Hyndman

Webmaster - Pete Graham

Committee members - Angela Dale

                                   John Powell

                                    Veronica Ford

                                     Rosie Merrell


Lisa thanked Sarah and Lou for organising the raffle every month. If anyone could donate a raffle prize it would be gratefully received. Produce, plants etc from your garden etc is always popular.


Mike thanked John Powell for auditing the books.


After a very quick AGM 2 ladies from Wild Hog Rescue came along to talk about hedgehogs. Everyone found this most interesting. Many thanks to Nicky Herbert for advertising the talk. This brought in 8 visitors and hopefully a few will come again.


Next meeting on Tuesday 18th October is a general gardening question and answer session plus any successes with the drought. Lisa, Nicky and others will be only too willing to answer any questions you may have and even ones you haven’t yet thought about. It would be helpful if you have any questions to email them in advance/asap, also any photos.


Again we are collecting tree cuttings and saplings. Please see the list below for what is needed-

Field Maple - Acer Campestre

Mountain Ash - Sorbus Aucuparia

Silver Birch - Betula Pendula

Hazel - Corylus Avellana

Crab Apple - Malus Sylvestris

Bird Cherry - Prunus Papus

Gorse - Ulex (any type)




The committee has decided to move the December meeting as the third Tuesday is the 20th and too near Christmas, therefore the meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th December. Please put this date in your diary or on your calendar. 


Keep Gardening, RGC committee.



Success or failure?


Find out tonight!

September 2022


This months meeting on Tuesday 20th September is the AGM followed by a talk ‘Hedgehog Conservation and Rehabilitation’ 

Start time is a little earlier with the AGM at 7pm and talk at 7:30pm prompt. Annual subscriptions are also due. The membership fee is the same as in previous years £12. You can pay this by 3 different ways -

  1. Cheque (payable to Ruspidge Gardening Club) 
  2. Cash (please put in an envelope with your name on it) 
  3. Bank transfer -

Ruspidge Gardening Club

Sort code  77-69-39

A/c no  01608960

Please use your name as reference. 

Of course you can continue to pay £2 per meeting as a visitor if you wish. Treasurer Mike will be available from 6:45pm and after the meeting to take subscriptions.


 Ruspidge Garden Club welcomes Emily Harper to speak on 'Hedgehog Conservation and Rehabilitation’.  Emily is Deputy Manager at Wild Hogs Hedgehog Rescue, Frampton on Severn, and is also studying for a PhD in hedgehog ecology. 

Visitors are welcome, cost only £2.  Emily will be bringing some hedgehog items to sell, and will be delighted to take donations of cat food back with her to feed their hungry hogs!


August 2022


The theme of the meeting next Tuesday 16th August is ‘Garden Supper’, usual time, 7-15 for 7-30.

Please bring along anything that you have grown in your garden for others to taste. This can be any unusual fruits/vegetables/herbs/edible flowers, or anything you have made using produce from your garden or the countryside, eg something that’s baked, made into a drink, a salad.

Alternatively you might like to bring something that isn’t unusual but others might like to try.
Please bring your own plate, cutlery and a tub to take away anything that may be left over.
Alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks will be provided but not tea or coffee.

In September it’s the AGM and also membership renewal, please note earlier time of 7-00pm in order to deal with business before 7:30pm, when we have a talk on Hedgehogs. More of that in next months newsletter.

We already have a few new volunteers for the committee but a few more would be good. Please consider joining the committee, it’s not time consuming and it is rewarding.


July 2022




There will be no Gardening Club meeting in July


Dear Members, sadly Sue Emms has made the decision not to open her garden to the public next week. Whilst we can understand her reasons for doing so it is still a disappointment.


Morning Sally,

I don’t think the garden or I will be ready for visitors after the weekend heat .

So with regret I feel I must cancel your visit. We are actually contemplating ‘closing’ from now … we sort of have ‘optional’ opening in august as the garden’s main interest is the perennials and august is always a tricky month before the early autumn interest begins. This year the early dryness followed by this heat is I think responsible for things going over very quickly and looking sad despite our efforts at irrigation.

Thankyou for your interest - hope we may meet at another time !





Visit, Tuesday 19th July, we’re off to Church Cottage, Hentland, meet at 6:30pm. Entrance fee is £3:00. Refreshments, coffee/tea and cake, will be available on the day at a small charge of £2:50. Please let Sally (sallymg@live.co.uk /01594781449) know if you would like to go and if you would like refreshments. No payment needed in advance.  Also, please let Sally know if you require a lift or if you can offer a lift. Further details re parking etc will be sent out nearer the time. If the weather is inclement then the visit can be deferred to the Wednesday.



Hentland, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 6LP.

Sue Emms & Pete Weller,

01989 730222, sue.emms@mac.com,


Garden designer and plantswoman's

½ acre garden - feels much larger

than it is! Series of garden rooms

melting seamlessly into one another.

Huge variety of plants, many of which

are for sale, unusual varieties mixed

with old favourites, providing interest

over a long period. Wildlife pond, rose

garden, potager, mixed borders, white

terrace. Interesting plant combinations

and design ideas to inspire. Articles


'Country Homes and Interiors' and ‘House Beautiful’.




Keep Gardening, RGC a committee.



After a brilliant visit to Highnam Court in June our July meeting wil be another garden visit. This time it will be to Church Cottage, just outside Ross on Wye. This is the garden of Sue Emms and Pete Weller and can be seen on their website: www.wyegardensbydesign.com

Further details will be made available shortly.

May 2022

Well done everyone! The plant sale was a great success and raised £417:00.  Many thanks to everyone who helped in whatever way, it couldn’t have been done without you. There are still a few plants left and they can be found behind the Hall so please help yourself.

Next weeks meeting on Tuesday 17th May is a talk by Roger Umpelby on ‘The Kitchen Garden Today’ covering fruit and vegetables. Roger is a part-time advisor to the RHS and an occasional lecturer at Pershore College

There will be no meeting on June 21st as we have a garden visit to Highnam Court, Gloucester. There are 600 new roses, an extensive vegetable gardens, parterre, knot garden, orangery ……. and the place to ourselves. The cost will be £5.50 per person and there are only 30 places. Please let Sally know a) if you are going and b) if you require refreshments. To make things easier please put your £5:50 entrance fee in an envelope with your name(s) on it and if you require refreshments. Please give this to Sally at next weeks meeting to secure your place. Refreshment money (£4 for tea/coffee and cake) is payable on the night. The entrance fee money goes to the Pied Piper Appeal and they donate on average £10,000 per year, refreshment money goes to the local church. Lifts can be arranged from the Hall.

Keep Gardening, RGC committee.




Plant Sale





Saturday 7th May 2022


2.00p.m. – 4.00p.m.


   Plants, Raffle, Drinks & Homemade                                  Cakes



Entrance Free!



The Hall will be open 12 until 1 on Saturday afternoon for drop off of cakes and plants for sale. At other times plants can be left over the hall wall or in Lisa's garden, next to the hall, with multi-coloured railings.

April 2022

Welcome to April, spring is finally here in my greenhouse!

The talk on Tuesday 19th April is titled "Marvellous Moths".

Bob Smith will talk about the moths to be found in gardens, their life cycles and what they do for the garden.


Dont forget the plant sale on May 7th, we need everyone to sow seeds, strike cuttings and divide plants so that we have plenty for the sale.

March 2022


Last months talk by Lisa, followed by our seed swap was enjoyed by all.

This months talk on Tuesday 15th March is ‘The Birds and Bees’ by Nathalie Mignotte of the Fairview Gardener in Birdwood. The talk is on how to attract wildlife into your garden and create a haven for insects, birds and small mammals whilst retaining the beauty of plants. Nathalie will also give tips on propagation. There may be a few plants for sale.

Don’t forget that Northwood Green gardening club have invited us to their March talk, ‘A Diary of a Seed Saver’ with Adam Alexander (guests £3.00) on Thursday 10th March, 7:30pm (TONIGHT!) at Northwood Green Social Hall. Adam is seed guardian for the Heritage Seed Library. Some seeds will be available for purchase.


February 2022


Last months visit by John from the Bespoke Brewery, Littledean, was most enjoyable and very informative. John described the brewing process and passed around samples of malted barley and hops for tasting. We then progressed to tasting the various beers produced by the Bespoke brewery, which went down very well with everyone!

John, very kindly donated a presentation pack of beer for this months raffle.

Lisa thanked John, and the assembled members showed their appreciation.


Please have a look at the Bespoke Brewery website, they are hosting a quiz night on the 17th at the Mitcheldean Tap.


This months meeting on Tuesday 15th February will be a seed swap and talk about what seeds to sow and when. If you have any seeds to swap please bring them along. Alternatively if you don’t have any seeds there will be plenty for you to take home. Paper bags will be available for you to put a few seeds in if you don’t want a whole pack. Pens and pencils will also be available for you to label your packs. If you have any empty containers (from buying such things as mushrooms, tomatoes, yoghurts etc) please bring them along as you will have the opportunity if you wish to plant seeds at the meeting. A demo will be given. Also, there will be a short talk on planting seeds and a Q&A session.


Finally, when you’re out in your garden dividing perennials please put any you don’t need in a pot for the plant sale in May. This year the sale will be open to the general public and it would be good to have a wide variety of flowers and vegetables on offer.


As usual please bring your own drink although tea and coffee will be available for you to make your own if you forget.





January 2022


"Happy New Year" to everyone, hope you are all well.

Our December meeting was a real success, Wendy gave us a talk on potpourri, what it is, the different varieties and how to make it. This was followed by a practical demonstration and then we all got our hands dirty and made our own packs of potpourri with the ingredients Wendy supplied. Pictures and instructions are being put onto the events page.

We then had "Woody's Christmas Quiz" which was won by Sarah, Louise, Fiona and Sally.

Thanks go to Wendy and Woody and also to Sarah and Louise for running a successful raffle. 

Details of Wendy's recipes can be found on our Events page.


Our January meeting on the 18th will be a presentation from "Bespoke Brewery" with samples! Further details to follow in the next few days.

Full details on our Events page.


Christmas 2021


The November "Gardener's Question Time" went very well, thanks to Nicky and Lisa (The Panel)and all those who asked questions.

We are now fast approaching our Christmas meeting which will be held on Tuesday 14th December at 7-15 for 7-30.


This year will be different from usual due of course to Covid. We are asking everyone who is able, to wear a mask when moving about the hall. You may bring your own hot drinks, or make them yourself in the kitchen.


We will have mulled wine and cider available.


There will not be the usual buffet, but you may wish to bring your own supper with you.


Raffle tickets will be on sale as you enter the hall and the draw will be made at the end of the evening.


Wendy wiil be holding a "Pot-Pourri" class during the evening, but if you wish to take part you must book in. Please contact Sally if you are interested.


The highlight of the evening will be "Woody's Christmas Quiz", see you there!


"Merry Christmas"

November 2021


After a very entertaining talk by Lisa last month, we are now in November looking forward to "Gardener's Question Time" on 16th November, 7-15 for 7-30 start. Gardening Club experts will be available to answer any garden related queries that you may have. You may email questions in advance to the secretary, or just ask them on the night.


We will also sharing prennials, if you have any that you have already split up, or some that need splitting, bring them along and swap with others. please wrap anything you bring in newspaper so that there is not too much clearing up after the meeting.


Angela has made gin by adding some botanicals to vodka, so if you would like to have a taste please bring your own glass/mug!


Please bring your own hot drink if you would like.


In view of the current Covid numbers, please wear a mask when not seated in the hall.


Advanced notice, the December meeting will be on Tuesday 14th, a week earlier than usual. This is to avoid the busy week before Christmas.

October 2021


If you have any saplings for the Ourboretum scheme please contact Sally, do not bring them to the club.


The outline programme for the remainder of the year has now been finalised by the committee.


Membership remains at £12.00 per annum with occasional visitors paying £2.00 per session.


October 19th new chair Lisa will give a talk entitled:


"Tool Stories"


The talk will be illustrated with tools  from Lisa's collection.

After her talk, Lisa will answer any questions anyone may have.

If you have any perennials or herbs that need dividing, please bring any spare bits you have to share with other members.


November will be a Gardener's Question Time concentrating on vegetables and herbs.


December will be a Social Evening with an American Supper and Festive Drinks followed by Woody's Christmas Quiz.


Further details of the November and December meetings will be sent out closer to the dates.


All meetings will take place in Ruspidge Memorial Hall (unless notified otherwise) on the third Tuesday of the month, 7-15pm to 9-15pm

September 2021

The AGM will be held at 7.00pm in Ruspidge Memorial Hall on Tuesday September 14th.

The Committee would like to hear any suggestions from members regarding future topics or practical sessions.


The AGM will be followed at 7.30 by Bill Laws with an illustrated talk entitled "The Curious History of Vegetables" 


September is the month for harvesting main crop potatoes and Lisa has sent this photograph of her digging potatoes on the field with her friend Rupert.

July 2021

The website editor apologises for missing May and June, due to circumstances beyond his control. Hopefully, July will be back to normal.

Barbara, Sylvia and Lisa have all sent us photos of their gardens, they can be seen by clicking on the tabs to the upper right of this page, I don't know why they are not in the main list. Individual photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Angela has sent photographs of the Club visit to the Old Corn Mill, and Linda and Dave have sent photographs of the visit to Weston Court. They can also be seen by clicking on the appropriate title in the right hand corner of the Gallery page.

Please look at the Events section for details of the next meeting in Ruspidge Memorial Hall on Tuesday 20 th July.

April 2021

Saturday April 24th the Club had a stand at the Forest Food Growing Fair, held at the new Medical Centre in Valley Road. Sally and the committee would like to thank all those who manned the stand and also came to support us. We promoted the Club, sold plants and seeds and also provided planting and seed sowing activities for children.

Sunday April 25th Lisa has discovered a very rare mushroom, a Morel. These mushrooms have a short growning season, late April to early May, and are highly prized by chefs because of their flavour. 



Welcome to April, it is Spring, but feels more like Winter. The committee has a Zoom meeting tonight to discuss what events, if any, can be held this month. Any decisions will be posted on here and in emails to members. I will also attempt to post any events in the "Events" section of this website, something I have not yet attempted!

Did everyone enjoy last months Zoom talk by Bill Laws? If you have any views, good or bad, please contact Sally.

The auriculas are coming into flower ready for the shows at the end of this month, unfortunately there are no shows!

March 2021

Firstly, the Zoom talk by Bill Laws, entitled "50 Plants that Changed the Course of History", will go ahead on Wednesday March 10th.The Zoom waiting room will open at 07:00pm, and the talk will start at 07:30pm. Lynn has emailed the access code to all members, if you haven't received this, please contact Sally.

Thanks to Angela for hosting this meeting for us. 


Secondly, we are hoping to hold a seed and seedling swap on 

Saturday April 17th, Covid restrictions, and weather permitting. This will be behind the Hall, for members only, to dispose of any surplus seeds and seedlings they may have.

We may be able to hold a proper plant sale in May, but it is too early to plan.


Finally, most people will know that the Club's 10th Anniversary tree was "accidently" strimmed by the contractors who maintain the field. The contractors have now replaced the tree, and it's bigger!

Thanks go to Nicky and any one else who badgered them on the subject


February continued:

Before we finally say farewell to February 2021, Fiona has sent us a photograph of snowdrps in her garden:


Nicky has suggested that we create a section in the website entitled "Old Garden Books and What Got You into Gardening". Please send any suggestions to Nicky or Sally.


Finally, Bill Laws is giving us Zoom talk on Wednesday March 10th entitled "Plants that Changed the Course of History"

Further details regarding the time and the Zoom code will be emailed closer to the date and also posted on here

February 2021

Hello everyone, I'm sorry this update is late, I have no excuses! 

For those of you who have been waiting for the answers to the Christmas Quiz they are below.


 Ruspidge Gardening Club

Christmas Quiz with Answers 2020

  1. What are Crown Prince, Butter Bush and Autumn Crown? Squash
  2. When is the traditional time to plant Shallots/Garlic? Winter Solstice
  3. What is Zaboca known as in Britain? Avocado
  1. When is St Stephen’s Day? 26th December
  2. What is the name for sculpting hedges? Topiary
  3. What are Pink Fire Apple, Blue Danube & International Kidney varieties of? Potatoes
  4. Where do Pelargoniums originate from? South Africa
  5. What herb/plant beginning with ‘A’ has soothing qualities? Aloe Vera
  6. Shepherds Purse is a type of what? Weed
  7. What is a Whip? A young seedling/grafted tree without branches.
  8. What yellow flowering tree is poisonous? Laburnum
  9. Where are the Highland Cattle currently grazing in the Forest of Dean? (December 2020) WoorsGreen Nature Reserve
  10. What would I be doing if I used the terms: Heathering, Pleachers & Maul? Laying Hedges
  11. What is the name of the Sculpture of the old man on the Blue Rock Trail? Nearly There
  12. A beer trap can help control what type of pests? Slugs and Snails
  13. Rhizomes are a type of what plant? Bulbous
  14. What colour Rose is associated with Lancashire? Red
  15. Soil can be Acid, Alkaline or …….? Neutral
  16. Name the organic gardener with flower in his name. Bob Flowerdew
  17. Does all Mistletoe have berries? No.

The  committee held a Zoom meeting on February 9th. A decison was made to carry over the membership for this year to 2021/22, in view of the fact that the club has been unable to meet. If you have paid your membership already this year you will not have to pay this September. If you have not paid for this year your subscription will be due at the AGM in September.


The Club will be holding a free draw later this month for all Full Members, (last year or this). Membership numbers will be placed in a hat and prizes will be allocated as the numbers are drawn. Some of the prizes are unusual, swapping between members may be a good idea!


Providing a minimum of 15 members are prepared to Zoom, a virtual meeting could take place on the 2nd Tuesday or Wednesday in March. The host would be Bill Laws, author of several books and the title of his illustrated talk would be "HardyPlants". All members, full or occasional, are welcome. If you are interested, please contact Sally before February 20th.


Flexible plans have been made for more meetings this year and also a plant sale and/or seed swap. More details will be made available after the Government Coronavirus update on February 22nd.


Finally, before we start thinking about spring, Lesley would like to remind us that winter is still here, with these photographs:





However, Lesley has taken pity on us and sent us a few photographs of the approach of spring:

I have also discovered that some of my auriculas think spring has come early:

January 2021

Happy New Year everyone from Sally and the RGC Committee. Let's all hope that 2021 is an improvement on 2020!

Current restrictions mean that unfortunately, the Club cannot meet at present. We do have a speaker booked for March but he can be rescheduled depending upon the restrictions in force at the time.

We had awinner for our Christmas Quiz, they have chosen as their prize a pink cactus dahlia tuber.

If you missed the quiz the questions are shown below. We will publish the answers in the February update, but no prize this time


Finally, a glimpse of spring, Sally spotted this primrose whilst out dog walking.


 Hello everyone, we would like to aplogise for the long delay in updating the website. We are however hoping that we can restart the site for 2121 and keep it going. This is the first attempt, by a novice, to add text and pictures, apologies if it looks a bit odd.  

Thank you to those members who have made and photographed something "Christmassy", the photographs are displayed below.

Finally, the Chair and Committee wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, hoping we can all meet again in the not too distant future.


10th Anniversary Pictures

Posted- 16th August 2019 


  10th Anniversary Pictures here


10th Anniversary Collage Pictures

Posted- 16th August 2019 


 10th Anniversary Collage Pictures here




Ruspidge Gardening Club
It's our 10th anniversary!!
Welcoming all members old or new to come and join us for a party and celebration of the ten years of our Gardening Club. As well as some drinks and nibbles, we'll be seeing some photos of member's gardens and having a chat and a laugh about events past, present and future. To mark this special occasion we will be planting an Amelanchier (June berry) tree in the park. Hope to see you there!


Wednesday 14th August 2019 

7.30- 9.15pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall


June Meeting

Posted- 9th June 2019


Speaker ~ Mervyn Reed

An insight into the history & developement of the English Rose


Wednesday 12th June 2019


7.30- 9.15pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall




Mervyn Reed spent 35 years in the horticulture business, firstly in the commercial rose rose growing trade, and latterly in Garden Centres. He will talk to members about David Austin roses. He will also include the growing and care of all types of roses. Br prepared to be entertained by a polished and knowledgeable speaker and get your questions ready for answering by an expert!
Please also take the time to look at the Glencoe Farm website www.ebotany.co.uk to see what there is on offer in the garden for a visit so that we can get an estimate of the number of people who wish to visit . Members will be able to visit the garden free of charge.The garden is adjacent to the A40 between Huntley and Ross.

Plant Sale Success

Posted- 12th May 2019


The Plant Sale once again a huge success! Thanks to everyone for donations of plants and cakes, for volunteering and for supporting us.

Also see gallery

Community Growing Pictures

Posted- 10th April 2019


Check out some photos of our of our community growing projects



Community Growing Projects



Posted- 10th April 2019


The Ruspidge Gardening Club

Community Garden Growing Project

now has its very own Instagram page 


ruspidgegrows at www.instagram.com


April Meeting

Posted- 3rd April 2019


Speakers ~ Sue Smith & Sue Dodd

Gardening for Butterflies and Moths


10th April 2019


7.15- 9.15pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall



The speakers Sue Smith and Sue Dodd are 20 year veterans in giving talks to gardening clubs  and they are well known and respected throughout the Gloucestershire circuit.  Both ladies are passionate advocates of gardening to encourage wildlife and Sue Smith’s husband has recorded 600 species of moths in their garden. 
Raffle and Refreshments

A reminder that the annual PLANT SALE is in a month’s time on Saturday MAY 11th. Please consider  planting  extra seeds, taking cuttings or layering any of your favourite plants for sale at  this event.  Some of the proceeds will be spent at our 10 year Anniversary in August, when we will open the doors to current and past members of the club to celebrate our gardening achievements over the past decade.  


Community Garden Sow and Grow

Posted- 4th March 2019


Sowing and Growing for Community Garden at Ruspidge Park


March 30th 2019


10am - 1pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall

Lower Hall



March Meeting

Posted- 8th March 2019


Gail Plant

Mrs Plant's Scented Garden, Much Marcle

Winter and Spring Scent in the Garden 


13th March 2019


7.15- 9.15pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Raffle and Refreshments



Posted- 11th February 2019


Fame at Last



Pat from Jolters Press Cider and Perry came to visit us in January. Jolters is named after ol' Jolter, a character well known in the Forest for his sayings! Pat collects these saying which are known as Jolterisms.

Louise, one of our members told Pat about a line she had in a play at school using the name Jolter. This Jolterism has now been used on a label for 'Katy' a single variety medium sparkiling cider!!

Louise is the one not looking at the camera in the red scarf!


View label here


February Meeting

Posted- 10th February 2019


A start was made on the Community Garden last year when planters were put in the playing field  and filled with vegetables and flowers.
This year, we hope that the club members can take the idea further and we need your ideas and help to develop a community garden with style!
Some good ideas have been suggested by a gardener ,who has experience of other Community Garden projects, and we look forward to discussing all of these and many more ideas.
There will also be a  Seed Swap when you are invited and encouraged to bring along any spare seeds which you may to swap with others.
They can be commercial seeds or those which you have gathered from your garden but please make sure that they are well labelled. 
Perhaps you can take some to grow plants for yourself and also for the plant sale in May?
We will also continue the Gardeners’ Question Time slot. 
If you have any gardening questions you  want to ask the experienced gardeners, this will be a good time to do so and all members can maybe glean a little more knowledge about some aspects of gardening. 


January Meeting

Posted- 2nd January 2019


9th January 2019


7.15- 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Pat Lock from JOLTER CIDER  will be re-visiting  the club (with samples for sale) to update the club with news from the cider making business. 




A panel of experts from the club will be answering your questions about any gardening problems or queries you might wish to  put to them. This is a great opportunity to make use of their  expert knowledge  .


It will be helpful if any questions are sent to us in advance so that we have an idea of how many queries need to be answered!


All members and non-members will be warmly welcomed to this meeting.

A Raffle and refreshments are available.


December Meeting

Posted - 19th  November 2018


Jackie Beard

Christmas Decorations 


12th December 2018
7.15pm - 9.15pm
Ruspidge Memorial hall



Back by popular demand-

Making Christmas Decorations with Jackie Beard

Bring along greenery, seed heads, berries,

ribbons and baubles to make a beautiful wreath, swag or table decoration to decorate your home for Christmas.

Jackie will give guidance on how to assemble a decoration but do bring along a pair of secateurs and gloves.


After the crafting is complete, join us for festive nibbles and drinks to continue the seasonal celebrations



October Meeting

Posted - 6th  October 2018


Speaker ~ Nick Morgan

A Considered Approach to Managing Garden Pests and Diseases 


10th August 2018
7.15pm - 9.15pm
Ruspidge Memorial hall

All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle and Refreshments 


Nick Retired to Gloucestershire in 2016 after 23 years working in key roles within the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) as RHS Horticultural Specialist and Superintendent of the RHS Garden Wisley glass and propagation departments. Amongst many qualifications he holds the prestigious RHS Master of Horticulture award UK. In retirement he wants to continue to share his knowledge and
inspire others to enjoy their garden. 
If anyone could lend a hand helping Lisa by taking pelargonium cuttings, Sally and others will be at Lisa’s house at 6pm on Wednesday. Any help will be much appreciated and the cuttings will be nurtured to be used in the Community Garden next year.
Hope to see you on Wednesday evening for what promises to be a very useful talk by Nick.

August Meeting

Posted - 6th August 2018

8th August 2018


Sally has spent some time arranging a ramble through the woods - when a team led by Sue Middleton  from the  Foresters Forest will take us to see the projects they are managing to encourage butterflies. The short (in distance) walk will start at 6.30p.m. at Ruspidge Halt and will last for about an hour and a half. Then back to the hall for about 8.00 p.m.for refreshments. Following sustenance, Sue Middleton will talk about a selection of projects that are happening around Ruspidge/Cinderford, and recent landscaping work which has been carried out. Hopefully there will be information on the identification of and support for butterflies in our gardens and also about the plants plants grown in the Foresters Forest woodland Flora Project.
The FF website is interesting and gives an insight into the work they do - see http://www.forestersforest.uk 
This is, of course, subject to the vagaries of the weather - but no rain is forecast again for the next week! If it does rain, then the meeting will be in the hall from 7.30pm as usual.
If you want to bring children along to the butterfly walk, they are very welcome and we won’t charge for the interested youngsters! 
If anyone has any problems with mobility or walking for 1.5 hours, you may find it easier to park up by the scrap yard/ refreshments van which is accessible down the lane off Valley Rd, just before the roundabout. This is nearer to the butterfly project site. 

Garden Visit to South Lodge, Clearwell

Posted - 11th June 2018 





Plant Sale

Posted - 12th May 2018 




Also see Gallery




May Meeting

Posted - 9th May 2018 

Speaker ~ Andy Pedrick

Clematis and other unusual climbers 

May 9th 2018
7.30pm - 9.15pm
Ruspidge Memorial hall
Andy is a professional horticulturalist. He has worked with Clematis for a long time and he will simplify the mysteries of their care for us - such as when and how to prune the different types and growing conditions. He will also bring along some other unusual climbers such as the Wag-a-waga vine.
There will be plants for sale  including some new varieties of clematis. They are all priced at about £6 per plant.

April Meeting

Posted - 7th April 2018 

Speaker ~ Jerry Green

Westbury Court Garden 

April 11th 2018
7.30pm - 9.15pm
Ruspidge Memorial hall
Soft Fruit 

Hanley Swan Open Gardens

Posted - 7th April 2018 

Hanley Swan Open Gardens 

May 5/6/7th May
Open from 12 - 5pm every day
A beautiful english village in the foothills of the wonderful Malvern Hills, with a award winning village pond and pub!
Tickets are £6, children under 16 free, and the ticket covers all three days.  
Plant sales, free parking, disabled toilets, Go Potty competition in the church.
Light lunches and afternoon teas served at No.1 from 12 noon.  Cream Teas in the church from 2.pm.
Sat Nav WR8 0DN 
Questions - 01684 310920 
Dogs welcome 

Sow and Grow Results

Posted - 24th March 2018


Many thanks to Edward and his family for sending in these pictures of his seedlings growing!


Sow and Grow

Posted - 10th March 2018




 Well done to everyone who worked hard to make this such a success. 


Please send me your photos (Candice)


Full Gallery


Tallest Sunflower Competition

Posted - 9th March 2018




Copies of the entry form for the 'Tallest Sunflower Growing Competition' are available from at the Community Sow and Grow or from Nicky


Community Event

Posted - 4th February 2018


Community Sow and Grow Event 


Saturday 10th March

10.30am - 12.30pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall


This is a free event, everyone is welcome…

children and adults! 

Choose from a variety of vegetables and flower seeds to plant

with the seeds, compost, and containers provided free

There will be lots of advice and help at hand

for those who have limited skills


There will also be a competition:

Plant yourself some sunflower seeds …

Will your sunflower be the tallest at the end of the summer?? 


                    Refreshments - available for a nominal charge.

                           (WARNING….this will involve cakes!!!)



Please join us Saturday 10th March 10.30 -12.30  

Ruspidge Memorial Hall

(Ruspidge Road GL14 3AE)


March Meeting

Posted - 1st March 2018 

Speaker ~ Andy Pedrick


Wednesday 14th March

7.30am - 9.15pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Back by popular demand is Andy Pedrick. Our propagation expert, Andy has worked in the gardening trade since he was teenager.

He brings with him compost, plants, rooting powder and pots to start propagating for our own gardens and the plant sale.  He will also demonstrate root cuttings and layering. 


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle and Refreshments 


February Meeting

Posted - 10th February 2018 

Speaker ~ Carl Woodman


Wednesday 14th February

7.30am - 9.15pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall 


Carl Woodman is from Woodmans’ World, Longhope.  He was originally a lecturer in Rural Studies, and became skilled in working with wet timber.  He will demonstrate the making of a trugg, and will also bring a few examples with him, for sale £25 plus.  He is a traditional craftsman who has made authentic sets and props for Star Wars and War Horse amongst other films.  As well as making a trugg he will chat about famous gardeners he has worked with.
Sally will also bring along the seeds left over from the seed swap last month. If you would like to take some for yourself they are available. Alternatively, you might like to take some to grow for the plant sale in May, which would be much appreciated.

Potato Day

Posted - 11th January 2018


There is a Potato Day at Littledean community centre on Saturday 17 th February 10 am to 2pm.  There will be 60 varieties of potato all for sale, by the single tuber, plus onion and shallot sets, heritage seeds, fruit trees, soft fruit, kitchen garden plants and much more.  

All provided by Pennard Plants.  Entry fee £1

January Meeting

Posted - 3rd January 2018 

Jolter's Cider  


Wednesday 10th January 2018 

7.30pm - 9.15pm 

Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Pat from JOLTER’s CIDERS at Mitcheldean will be bringing samples of Cider and Perry to sample and he will also give a brief talk on the company and generally about the drinks.
 Also we will be holding a SEED SWAP when excess seeds from our collections can be swapped for other seeds.
Please bring along seeds which are excess to your needs which can be used by other gardeners (see events for details).

All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle and Refreshments


Gardens Supplies

Posted - 14th December, 2017


*NEW* Gardening and Plants Suppliers Page.

If it's garden supplies you need, you can find it here.

All the favourites you know and love and maybe a few you don't!

Great suppliers of everything you need for the garden, plants and seeds. All highly recommended. 

Garden Supplies 


Christmas Social Evening 2017

Posted - 14th December, 2017


Smiles all round. A lovely evening.



See some more snaps here


December Meeting
Posted - 5th December, 2017


Jackie Beard

 Decorating for Christmas!

Make a Christmas Swag/Garland or Table Decoration


Wednesday 13th December 2017


7.30pm - 9.30pm



 our favourite quizmasters Lisa & Woody return with our ever popular Christmas Quiz 


So don't miss out, come and join us for

refreshments, Christmas nibbles, 

and be there to celebrate with the rest of the gang :) 


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Christmas Raffle  


November Meeting
Posted - 1st November, 2017

Speaker ~ Diana Parsons  



Wednesday 8th November 2017


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle and Refreshments


Diana is an expert on fungi and is the leader of the Worcestershire Fungi Trust having been involved in mycology for 18 years. She hopes to illustrate her talk with specimens of fungi – depending on local availability prior to the talk. Her talk will include folklore associated with fungi, edible and poisonous species and many more aspects of the subject.


Raffle prizes welcomed, as usual, for the meeting!


Also –could any member who is interested in helping with a seed event for the community (not the club seed swap), in late February, please try and get to the hall early on Wednesday so that we can have a preliminary chat about the feasibility of running such an event. Sally and Pam will be there from 6.45p.m.


October Meeting
Posted - 6th October, 2017
Preserves and Pickles
Pickles, jams, chutneys, cheeses, leathers, bottling and any other form of preserving you might like to try and astonish fellow members with.


Please bring along your preserves made from fruits, vegetables or fungi from your gardens (or even other people’s gardens) or from hedgerow forages to spread information about your favourite preserves and their flavours, textures and good methods of making them.

Especially welcome will be products with elusive and difficult to identify flavours so that members can have fun in trying to identify the hidden ingredients.


If you are bringing a preserve, please e-mail Sally Graham so that she knows how many items to expect for the evening.



The Gables, garden visit photos 

Posted - August 26th, 2017


See gallery



Open Garden 

Posted - August 26th, 2017


Poole Cottage Open Garden

Coppett Hill, Goodrich

Saturday & Sunday

9th & 10th September 2017

11am - 5pm

Admission Adults £4


Tea, coffee and homemade cakes plus plants for sale.

Due to limited local parking please park in the village (HR9 6HX)

and use the shuttle service that will be running all day

or walk the 10-15 minutes up the hill.

This garden belongs to Jo Ward-Ellison who came to speak for us back in February.



Members discount

Posted - August 26th, 2017


Ashridge Nurseries 

Ashridge Nurseries are currently offering a 10% discount for members of gardening clubs, and horticultural societies. The web address is www.ashridgetrees.co.uk

Enter HORT10 at the checkout stage. 



August Meeting/Garden visit  

Posted - August 3rd, 2017


August 9th, 2017
Garden Visit



This is at the home of Brian and Christine Bamber.


The Garden was established 11 yrs

ago from blank canvas. It is a large flat garden with formal lawns, colourful herbaceous borders, shrubberies and long border with mini stumpery. It includes a wild flower meadow incorporating soft fruits and fruit trees, an allotment-size productive vegetable plot, greenhouse and composting area. 


Meet at the hall at 7.00pm and share cars as for the previous meeting. 


It would be appreciated if you would let Sally Graham know by Monday 7th August if you will be going to the garden as the owners need an approximate number of people attending (sallymg@live.co.uk ).


The Meeting House photos  

Posted - July 15th, 2017


See gallery



July Garden Visit  

Posted - June 29th, 2017


July 12th, 2017                
The Meeting House, Flaxley

Chris and Sally Parsons at the Meeting House, Popes Hill, have 27 acres of land, which includes 3 Meadows, two with fruit trees, and one with three friendly cows. They also have beautiful gardens, and there are fruit and vegetable areas as well as large scale composting.  Chris is passionate about the benefits of meadows, and has even offered to sickle cut our meadow, if we decide to have one.

Meet at Ruspidge Hall at 7pm, those who find early difficult could meet us there.  Members could look at the area behind the Hall before we set off, sharing cars, at 7.10pm.  There are barns and outdoor covered areas where we could shelter in poor weather, but blankets or foldable chairs would be needed.  


There will be no cost to members. £2 to non members.  The Club will make a donation of £30 to Dean Meadows.  See their website for more info at www.deanmeadows.org.uk




Butterfly talk

Posted - June 1st, 2017



Simon Glover

Forest Butterfly Conservation Officer

Butterfly Conservation

(Gloucestershire branch)


Wednesday 14th June 2017


Butterfly walk CANCELLED


Meet at the hall as usual at 7.30pm



Simon is especially interested in the

Small PearlBordered Fritillary (pictured)


All non-members and newcomers most welcome 



Plant Sale photos

Posted - May 14th, 2017



Also see Gallery



--------------------------------------------------------------------------Bluebell Teas

Posted - April 24th, 2017

Sunday April 30th, Monday May 1st and Sunday May 7th


‘Bluebell Lunches and Teas’ to be enjoyed at Soudley Village Hall.  

The days begin at 11.00am and close at 4.00pm. Throughout the day there will be hot and cold beverages, sandwiches, light lunches and cakes on offer – all freshly made. So come along and take a walk through the Soudley Valley bluebells and then visit the hall for some refreshments.

Contacts are Libby 01594 822289 and Ruth 01594 827457.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------April Meeting

Posted - April 6th, 2017

Andy Pedrick

'Aspects of Propagation'


Wednesday 12th April 2017

7.30pm - 9.15pm


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Andy spoke to the club at a previous meeting about propagation but this time he will focus on propagating plants we can sell at the May plant sale, and he will bring examples for us to grow. He will also bring some of his own plants to sell to club members.


For this meeting, please bring plants, seedlings and any other material you would like to propagate or thin out, either for yourself or for the sale, and at approximately 8.30p.m.the more experienced members will help out with a practical session. Hazel will bring some easy seeds to grow and Judy and Lisa will help. Andy has promised to help with any awkward problems as he has vast experience in the horticultural business.



Come and have an informal, practical session and bring along any materials as long as they involve propagation!  Materials, such as compost, pots and trays will be available. Members can help themselves to drinks at anytime in the practical session



Open Evening

Posted - April 6th, 2017




Thursday 4th May 



Buy your plants

(grown by keen gardeners) for the summer & then join us, if you like, for a talk on


It’s not all about flowers


by Paul Green from

Green Leaves Nursery Newent


at 7.30pm

All Welcome at




Ruspidge Daffs

Posted - March 20th, 2017


Ruspidge Daffodils, thanks to Nicky for the pics!

Go to Gallery


February Meeting

Posted - January 14th, 2017



Jo Ward-Ellison  'Creating a Country Garden'


Wednesday 8th February 2017    7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall   Raffle and Refreshments


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Jo Ward-Ellison is an award winning garden designer
and works locally as a gardener and garden designer.  She
has a particular interest in herbaceous perennials and grasses.
Her approach to gardening is naturalistic and she creates gardens which are good for wildlife and which are low maintenance. She will talk to the club on ‘Creating a Country Garden’ which will reflect her interest in perennials and grasses.
Jo Ward-Ellison Gardens



NGS Snowdrop Festival

Posted - January 22nd, 2017


Second Annual National Gardens Scheme Snowdrop Festival

More than 80 gardens will open their gates for the National Gardens Scheme (NGS) Snowdrop Festival during February, to mark the imminent change of season with their snowdrop displays. Some of the gardens open have as many as 300 different varieties of snowdrops, whilst others have a mix of snowdrops, hellebores and other early spring flowers, all of which makes a visit to an NGS garden well worth the effort of being outdoors on a cold day.       http://www.ngs.org.uk/gardens/snowdrop-festival.aspx



Ruspidge Gardening Club

would like to wish all our members and everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




January Meeting

Posted - December 20th, 2016



Michael Ayland

'Following the Wye Valley Railway'


Wednesday 11th January 2017


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Raffle and Refreshments


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Christmas Meeting

Posted - November 16th, 2016

Christmas Social Evening 


Make a Christmas Swag/Garland with Jackie Beard


Woody's Quiz 


Christmas Nibbles



Wednesday 14th December 2016


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall



They can be used over a door, down the wall or across a mantel piece or even a wide window ledge, or over a wooden open staircase.     Using a rope as a starting point, unless you have some good stems on Vines, Virginia creeper, Ivy, Clematis etc.  Other foliage could be fir tree, thuja/ douglas fir/ spruce/ holly/ ivy.  A reel of binding wire and cones, flowers and ribbons, dried fruit/ nuts/ baubles, battery lights and the list goes on …..depending how elaborate you want it to be!


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


See events


October Meeting

Posted - October 7th, 2016


Speaker ~ Jerry Green, Gardener in charge 


Westbury Court Garden


Choosing and Planting Apples


Wednesday 12th October 2016


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle and Refreshments



Apples – to cover all aspects such as choosing planting and maintaining

There will also be a short apple tasting event during the evening and you are invited to bring along apple containing goodies for the delectation of the audience and fellow members. Please bring small samples and, maybe, a recipe to accompany your offering. Alternatively you may like to bring along an unusual apple which can be sliced up for members to taste.



September Meeting

Posted - September 6th, 2016




Flower and Vegetable Show

Posted - August 14th, 2016


Bream Gardening Society

151st Vegetable & Flower Show

The oldest flower and produce show in the Forest


Saturday August 20th 2016

Bream Rugby Field

behind the clubhouse off the High Street


Open 1.30pm

Marquee opens 2pm

See the best of local vegetables, flowers and crafts including a children's section

Field and craft stands and walking stick displays


Car Boot Sale - 1:30 pm (Cars £5, Vans £8)

Entry Schedules available from Marina Lambert,

Myrtle GCottage Oakwood Road, Bream. GL15 6HU  



Garden visit to Barn House Garden

Posted - August 14th, 2016


See gallery Barn House Garden



Open Gardens

Posted - July 17th, 2016


Open Gardens

Yorkley, Viney Hill, Oldcroft & Pillowell

Sunday 24th July 2016

11am - 5pm


in support of Yorkley Newsletter

£5 entry to all gardens, accompanied children free

Home made cakes and cream teas

Plants for sale

Tickets from Yorkley Post Office Stores

or on the day from any garden

Jeanne 01594 563936

email: vlasta_rhea@yahoo.co.uk


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Littledean Open Gardens

Posted - June 14th, 2016


Littledean Open Gardens

Saturday 18th June & Sunday 19th June

11am - 5pm



13 Private Gardens and Littledean Allotment Gardens available to visit

Daily admission £5 per person

Weekend pass £7.50pm

Ticket available from Brayne Court or any open garden



Garden Visits

Posted - June 10th, 2016


See gallery here


June Meeting

Posted - June 4th, 2016

Garden visits
June 8th, 2016
to:~ Ruspidge & The Ruffit
Meet at the hall at 6.30 for 2 garden visits, one in Ruspidge and one at the Ruffit.
In Ruspidge the garden we are visiting is a charming cottage garden, bordering the woods.  As well as being the most picturesque cottage garden, it has additional areas, like rooms of a house, adding delightful dimensions and harmonising with the adjoining woodland.
In contrast our other visit, near the top of the Ruffitt, has a garden majoring on vegetables enriched with green manure.  This pristine garden feeds their extended family throughout the year. They are firm believers of good husbandry.  As well as spectacular views over the Severn Valley we will see an innovative garden, and be privileged to learn from it's owner.  There are also delightful shrub and flower borders.


Pludds Open Gardens

Posted - May 25th, 2016


 The Pludds Open Gardens

Saturday 4th June

10am - 4pm

The Pludds 


Food and brochures at the Village Hall

GL17 9UB Details  01594 860169 


Wyevale Garden Centres

Posted - May 25th, 2016


Wyevale Garden Centres have very kindly been in touch to tell us

how passionate they are about gardening and helping customers plan their outdoor spaces.   They offer a wide range of quality plants and gardening equipment in all of their 152 centres situated across England and Wales.

On their website they also have a great gardening advice section.

They say~

'You may be passionate about nurturing fruit, tending summer veg or simply just love pottering in your patch. Whatever your thing we are brimming with handy tips, help and up to the minute advice on how to get the most out of your garden every month.'

You can find this by visiting http://www.wyevalegardencentres.co.uk/gardening-advice


Wonkee Donkee

Posted - May 25th, 2016


We have recently become stockists for Forest Garden, the British producer of timber garden products. We supply items such as summerhouses, sheds, decking, planters and garden furniture to the whole of the UK through our website http://www.wonkeedonkeeforestgarden.co.uk

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you!

Posted - May 20th, 2016


Our annual Plant Sale was a great success and we had a really good turnout.  A huge thank you to everyone who helped out in some way.  It is your generous donations of plants, cakes, books and raffle prizes that make it all possible.  Of course much appreciation also to all those who supported us by coming along.


(Plant Sale 2016)


Plant Sale 

Posted - May 15th, 2016


Plant Sale

Saturday 21st May

Littledean Community Centre


Refreshments,  Vegetable and Flower Plants,  Cake Stall,  Bric a brac


Free Entry

Proceeds to Littledean Allotments Association








Bluebell Teas

Posted - April 5th, 2016


Once again Bluebell Teas will be available at Soudley

Village Hall during May Day holiday weekend on

Sunday 1st and Monday 2nd May 2016.  Opening

at 11.00am and continuing until 4.00pm you will be able

to enjoy coffee and cakes, light lunches with puddings and

afternoon teas. Go along and enjoy delicious refreshments before or after a walk amongst the bluebells.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------Help to Get Growing for the Plant Sale

Posted - March 25th, 2016


Click to view


-------------------------------------------------------------------------April Meeting

Posted - March 14th, 2016

Speaker ~ Max Wilson


Bumblebee Conservation Trust


Wednesday 13th April 2016


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments


Max is a local volunteer for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.  He will be giving us an introduction to the UK' s most effective pollinators.  Their species,  life cycle,  enormous contribution and the worrying threats to their survival which will affect us all, and what each one of us can do to help preserve them.




March Meeting

Posted - February 25th, 2016


                Speaker ~ Mark Moir of Newent Plant Centre


          Scented Plants & Spring Colour


                         Wednesday 9th March 2016


                                  7.30pm - 9.15pm


                             Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Raffle, and Refreshments


Plants for sale!


 Newent Plant Centre  stock a range of beautiful, well-kept and healthy plants.

Of their plant gardens they say~


Each of our external plant areas are laid out to inspire you with ideas for your own garden planting. Our customers always comment on how gorgeous and effective this looks and many say what a delight it is to see somewhere that sets the plants out in a different fashion. More importantly they also say it’s great to see what plants will look like together once planted in the garden.
These areas are changing constantly to reflect the plants we are selling and to give different ideas each time you visit.

So pay us a visit and take a little time out to relax in one of our chairs and breathe in our displays.




Scented Plants Website

Posted - February 11th, 2016


News about a website and plant shop entirely dedicated to scented and butterfly plants. People often think about the colour and size of plants in their garden. Sometimes fragrance is overlooked or just an added bonus. Beautiful scents can really make a garden extra special, and bring back unique memories. They are also hugely beneficial by drawing in butterflies and bees and other valuable insects into your garden.  This site has done all the searching for you and with their affiliate supplier you can buy these plants and add them to your own garden. So for scented shrubs, scented climbers, scented roses, scented flowers, scented foliage, herbs have a look at ~




Snowdrop Festival 2016

Posted - February 3rd, 2016


News about the National Gardens Scheme’s first ever Snowdrop Festival. More than one hundred NGS gardens across England and Wales will open through February, giving visitors the opportunity to see veritable carpets of beautiful snowdrops and watch spring slowly unfurl from winter.


To find details of Snowdrop Festival gardens opening near you go to  http://www.ngs.org.uk/gardens/snowdrop-festival-2016.aspx#resultsbookmark




February Meeting

Posted - January 28th, 2016


Image result for wye valley images

           Speaker ~ Sarah Sawyer


                         Wednesday 10th February 2016


                                     7.30pm - 9.15pm


                                Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


                                Raffle and Refreshments


Sarah is coming to tell us about the projects she is involved with in the Wye Valley.  Sarah also formerly worked at Kew Gardens, so please have your questions ready!

*Newsflash To see a review of this meeting please visit our reviews page



Ruspidge Gardening Club

would like to wish all our members and everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




December Meeting

Posted - December 1st, 2015

Practical Social Evening

Make a Christmas Wreath or Table Decoration


 Wednesday 9th December 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome




Refreshments ~ Mulled Wine or Warm Spiced Apple Juice and Mince Pies


Christmas Wreath £2 or Table Dec £1

Bring your own greenery

Come along for a Christmas get together!



November Meeting

Posted - October 25th, 2015

Social Evening

Foody Social Evening

with Chutneys, Preserves, Apples, etc

and a Quiz


 Wednesday 11th November 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle and Refreshments

Please bring in any nibbles you like, bread, preserves, apple cake, etc. 

Auction of any spares.



October Meeting

Posted - September 20th, 2015

Speaker ~ William Scott

'Restoration of a Walled Garden'


 Wednesday 14th October 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, and Refreshments



September Meeting

Posted - September 4th, 2015

Speaker ~ Adrian James

'Hidden Gardens of Cornwall'


 Wednesday 9th September 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments




Soudley Flower and Produce Show

Posted - August 5th, 2015

Sunday 30th August 2015


Entries can be booked in from 9.30-11.30am

Entry to public at 2.15pm


Soudley Village Hall







 March Meeting

Posted - February 28th, 2015

Speaker ~ Andy Pedricks

'Hands on Propagation'


 Wednesday 11th March 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments




Posted - February 15th, 2015


Saturday 28th February 2015

7.00-7.30pm start at the White Horse, Soudley


Food available at £5 per head:

Scampi and Chips or Sausage and Chips


(Money in advance and non returnable)

Payable to Steve Frost

by Saturday 21st Feb (see contacts page)



February Meeting

Posted - January 24th, 2015

 Speaker ~ Belinda Legge

'A Gardener View of Australia'


 Wednesday 11th February 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments




Ruspidge Gardening Club

would like to wish all our members and everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




December Meeting

Posted - December 1st, 2014


Christmas Quiz & Social Evening


Wednesday 10th December 2014 


7.30pm - 9.00pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Mulled Wine & Mince Pies


After something a bit different last year, a return to our much enjoyed

Christmas quiz hosted by Woody,

and with homemade mulled wine  provided by Pete. How could you refuse!?



All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle and Refreshments



 Dean Meadows Group

Posted - October 13th, 2014


Our members may remember that the club had a visit to the fantastic gardens and meadows at Flaxley last year. They are the founders of Dean Meadows Group www.deanmeadows.org.uk

We have been invited by them to attend their Autumn meeting, if anyone is interested in going, here are the details:

''Our Autumn meeting will be a talk by Mike Kilner, entitled  'Creatures in the Meadow - where do they go'?''

Mike is the spider recorder for South Wales Invertebrate Group and he will talk about what happens to the meadow creatures when you can't see them.
The meeting is at Westbury of Severn Parish Hall on Friday October 24th, starting at 7:30. ( Bar open from 7:00PM).

The meeting is free to DMG members and £5 for non members.



Secret Forest

Posted - October 13th, 2014


We were delighted to welcome Duncan and Jeannie Jackson from the Secret Forest.  They came to talk to us about Permaculture principles, and the Permaculture garden that they are developing there.  This talk was much enjoyed by many, and we felt very inspiring and thought provoking!

Just to let all our members and anyone else interested, about the Secret Forest.



The secret Forest is only 200 yards from Clearwell Caves.  It is an ancient woodland and iron age experience.  Experience many acres of woodland where nature has created a mystical landscape over millions of years

Ancient woodland walks, Iron age village and workings, Permaculture Garden, Educational tours, Wood sculptures, Tea room and Play area.

The woodland is open between 10am and 4pm every day except Christmas Day.

It is opposite Clearwell caves, near Coleford, Royal Forest of Dean. Glos GL16 8JR. 

01594 832535. Website at www.secretforest.co.uk

Please visit the tea room which Jeannie runs.

Fresh coffee, selection of teas and snacks available. Warm and friendly service. Local crafts on show in and around the tearoom and available to buy-including, pottery, cards, handbags, rustic furniture and more.

The tea room is open every weekend and bank holiday 10am-4pm

For Food Foresters Duncan and Jeannie contact 01594 823004



Cheryl's yummy Apple Cake

Posted - October 13th, 2014


For the recipe for Cheryl's yummy Apple Cake please see the recipes page 



 September Meeting

Posted - August 29th, 2014


Cheese and Wine Evening


Wednesday 10th September 2014 


7.30pm - 9.00pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Speaker ~ Pete Graham



All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments



Summer Newsletter

Posted - August 23th, 2014


Click to view



August Meeting

Posted - July 25th, 2014


AGM and Fruit Punch Evening

Wednesday 13th August 2014 

7.30pm - 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments








December Meeting

Posted - December 1st, 2015

Practical Social Evening

Make a Christmas Wreath or Table Decoration


 Wednesday 9th December 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome




Refreshments ~ Mulled Wine or Warm Spiced Apple Juice and Mince Pies


Christmas Wreath £2 or Table Dec £1

Bring your own greenery

Come along for a Christmas get together!



November Meeting

Posted - October 25th, 2015

Social Evening

Foody Social Evening

with Chutneys, Preserves, Apples, etc

and a Quiz


 Wednesday 11th November 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle and Refreshments

Please bring in any nibbles you like, bread, preserves, apple cake, etc. 

Auction of any spares.



October Meeting

Posted - September 20th, 2015

Speaker ~ William Scott

'Restoration of a Walled Garden'


 Wednesday 14th October 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, and Refreshments



September Meeting

Posted - September 4th, 2015

Speaker ~ Adrian James

'Hidden Gardens of Cornwall'


 Wednesday 9th September 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments




Soudley Flower and Produce Show

Posted - August 5th, 2015

Sunday 30th August 2015


Entries can be booked in from 9.30-11.30am

Entry to public at 2.15pm


Soudley Village Hall







 March Meeting

Posted - February 28th, 2015

Speaker ~ Andy Pedricks

'Hands on Propagation'


 Wednesday 11th March 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments




Posted - February 15th, 2015


Saturday 28th February 2015

7.00-7.30pm start at the White Horse, Soudley


Food available at £5 per head:

Scampi and Chips or Sausage and Chips


(Money in advance and non returnable)

Payable to Steve Frost

by Saturday 21st Feb (see contacts page)



February Meeting

Posted - January 24th, 2015

 Speaker ~ Belinda Legge

'A Gardener View of Australia'


 Wednesday 11th February 2015


7.30pm - 9.15pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments




Ruspidge Gardening Club

would like to wish all our members and everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




December Meeting

Posted - December 1st, 2014


Christmas Quiz & Social Evening


Wednesday 10th December 2014 


7.30pm - 9.00pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Mulled Wine & Mince Pies


After something a bit different last year, a return to our much enjoyed

Christmas quiz hosted by Woody,

and with homemade mulled wine  provided by Pete. How could you refuse!?



All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle and Refreshments



 Dean Meadows Group

Posted - October 13th, 2014


Our members may remember that the club had a visit to the fantastic gardens and meadows at Flaxley last year. They are the founders of Dean Meadows Group www.deanmeadows.org.uk

We have been invited by them to attend their Autumn meeting, if anyone is interested in going, here are the details:

''Our Autumn meeting will be a talk by Mike Kilner, entitled  'Creatures in the Meadow - where do they go'?''

Mike is the spider recorder for South Wales Invertebrate Group and he will talk about what happens to the meadow creatures when you can't see them.
The meeting is at Westbury of Severn Parish Hall on Friday October 24th, starting at 7:30. ( Bar open from 7:00PM).

The meeting is free to DMG members and £5 for non members.



Secret Forest

Posted - October 13th, 2014


We were delighted to welcome Duncan and Jeannie Jackson from the Secret Forest.  They came to talk to us about Permaculture principles, and the Permaculture garden that they are developing there.  This talk was much enjoyed by many, and we felt very inspiring and thought provoking!

Just to let all our members and anyone else interested, about the Secret Forest.



The secret Forest is only 200 yards from Clearwell Caves.  It is an ancient woodland and iron age experience.  Experience many acres of woodland where nature has created a mystical landscape over millions of years

Ancient woodland walks, Iron age village and workings, Permaculture Garden, Educational tours, Wood sculptures, Tea room and Play area.

The woodland is open between 10am and 4pm every day except Christmas Day.

It is opposite Clearwell caves, near Coleford, Royal Forest of Dean. Glos GL16 8JR. 

01594 832535. Website at www.secretforest.co.uk

Please visit the tea room which Jeannie runs.

Fresh coffee, selection of teas and snacks available. Warm and friendly service. Local crafts on show in and around the tearoom and available to buy-including, pottery, cards, handbags, rustic furniture and more.

The tea room is open every weekend and bank holiday 10am-4pm

For Food Foresters Duncan and Jeannie contact 01594 823004



Cheryl's yummy Apple Cake

Posted - October 13th, 2014


For the recipe for Cheryl's yummy Apple Cake please see the recipes page 



 September Meeting

Posted - August 29th, 2014


Cheese and Wine Evening


Wednesday 10th September 2014 


7.30pm - 9.00pm


Ruspidge Memorial Hall


Speaker ~ Pete Graham



All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments



Summer Newsletter

Posted - August 23th, 2014


Click to view



August Meeting

Posted - July 25th, 2014


AGM and Fruit Punch Evening

Wednesday 13th August 2014 

7.30pm - 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall


All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Raffle, Cake and Refreshments



May Meeting

Posted - April 28th, 2014


  Speaker ~ Gail Plant 

  'The Scented Garden Year'


  Wednesday 14th May 2014 

  7.30pm - 9.00pm

  Ruspidge Memorial Hall

  All non-members and newcomers most welcome



Gail Plant of Mrs Plant's Herbs in Much Marcle, a sensory, scented, and bee friendly garden designer and plantswoman.  


Gardens Open Day, Elkstone Village, near Cirencester
Sunday 8th June  2pm - 6pm


Posted - April 28th, 2014


Elkstone Garden Commitee would very much like a mention. 

'Our open day is held annually and it is really good value for money as it is only £4.00 entry and children go free.

This Open Day not only allows you to amble through twelve private gardens but offers a unique opportunity to savour this very special Cotswold Village in a way not normally acccessible to the casual visitor.

In addition to seeing and enjoying the gardens you can visit our Grade 1 listed Norman Church made extra special on the day with glorious flower displays, you can hear the bells and visit the bell tower, enjoy tractor rides through the surrounding countryside, relax with cream teas, homemade cakes or ice creams and visit stalls to take back a reminder of a special day.

All proceeds go to the upkeep of the village hall and the church.'

More details are on our website. Elkstone Village.com


Banana Bread

Posted - April 21st, 2014


For Sarah's amazingly popular Banana Bread please see the recipes page under cake! Recipes 


Spring Newsletter

Posted - April 9th, 2014


Click here to view


The Brooks - Open Garden days

Posted - April 9th, 2014


You may be interested to know that Marion Stainton who came to speak to us last year on 'Murder, Magic and Plant Potions from your Garden' is opening her garden 'The Brooks' with the NGS.
The dates are Sunday 8th June 2014 and Sunday 21st September 2014, 2pm-5.30pm.
They serve home-made cakes and tea/coffee and usually have a good range of plants for sale, (possibly some pottery this year).


North Staffordshire Hostas

Posted - April 9th, 2014


We have received an email from Robert Barlow of North Staffordshire Hostas introducing themselves, a small family business specialising in the growing and selling of Hostas.

They currently have over 250 varieties in their collection,  many of which are available for purchase.  A catalogue detailing the varieties available in their collection can be viewed or downloaded from the website at www.northstaffordshirehostas.co.uk

They offer a postal service to customers.


April Meeting                                                                              

Posted - March, 25th, 2014


Speaker ~ John Fitzpatrick


Wednesday 9th April 2014 

7.30pm - 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall

All non-members and newcomers most welcome


John is the editor of The Alpine Gardener, the journal of the Alpine Garden Society.  At the Chelsea Flower Show last year he was a member of the team that built a garden for the AGS, for which they won a Gold Medal.  He also helped to build a Gold medal-winning garden at Chelsea in 2011. John is also a professional gardener, having trained at Pershore College, and works in a few large private gardens in the Monmouth area.


March Meeting

Posted - February 27th, 2014 


Speaker ~ Dr Keith Ferguson

Wednesday 12th March 2014 

7.30pm - 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall

All non-members and newcomers most welcome


'Growing and Storing Vegetables'



February Meeting

Posted - January 12th, 2014

 Speaker ~ Bob Train

Wednesday 12th February 2014 

7.30pm - 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall

All non-members and newcomers most welcome

                                                                                                                                         (click to view)

'Learn how to get more from your camera'

Bob has 30 years of award winning experience and will share with us how to:

Photograph your garden

Capture special moments easily

Compose stunning shots with confidence

Understand your camera programes.

So bring along your camera for advice from Bob. You might find a feature you didn't know about!



New Year Newsletter

Posted - January 9th, 2014


Click here to view


January Meeting

Posted - January 2nd, 2014


January Social Evening

Wednesday 8th January 2014 

7.30pm - 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall

All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Please come along and join us for a New Year get together and catch up.  We will be having a Soup and Roll supper and Quiz specially devised for us by our member and plant knowledge expert Judy! 

Also something new a small 'Bring and Buy Sale.


  Ruspidge Gardening Club

would like to wish all our members and everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




Other events

Posted - November 21th, 2013


Keep an eye on the events page for any updates.


  *A trip to Colesbourne Park to see the snowdrops,                16th February 2014 (Sunday)

 *Bring and buy sale at our January meeting. Please consider   donating any unwanted Christmas presents or homemade   items!

 *February meeting updated 

 Events (click)


*Also have a look at the competitions page for our new system of scoring entries, and upcoming competition categories. Competitions (click)


December Meeting

Posted - November 15th, 2013

                                                                                                                                                                              Click here to view

Wreath making demonstration with Sadie Kilby

Wednesday 11th December 2013 

7.30pm - 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall

All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Sadie will be coming to demonstrate how to make a Christmas wreath.  

Come along  have a go at making your own wreath, and then why not enter it in to the competition before you take it home? Please bring some greenery for making your wreath if possible, or anything you would like to decorate it with.



Competition results

Posted - November 15th, 2013


November 2013

Category 1 ~ 3 apples or 3 pears           Category 2 ~ group of autumn or evergren leaves

1st place - Judy Young                            1st place - Janet Willett

2nd place - Pete & Sally Graham            2nd place - Judy Young

3rd place - Janet Willett                           3rd place - Lisa Woodward

                                                                 3rd place - Pete & Sally Graham


November Meeting

Posted - October 16th, 2013


  Click here to view

Severn Cider

Wednesday 13th November 2013 

7.30pm - 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall

All non-members and newcomers most welcome


Severn Cider of Awre are coming to give us a talk about the process of cider making with samples and recipe ideas for using apples and cider in cooking.


Apple themed food evening

Please bring along your favourite apple dish to share



Competition results

Posted - October 14th, 2013 


October 2013

Category 1 ~ a pumpkin or squash             Category 2 ~ a spray of berries

1st place - Lisa Woodward                          1st place - Judy Young

2nd place - Pete & Sally Graham                 2nd place - Lisa Woodward

3rd place - Judy Young                                 3rd place - Janet Willett


Autumn Newsletter

Posted - October 9th, 2013


Click here to view


October meeting

Posted - September 16th, 2013


Wednesday 9th October 2013 

7.30pm - 9.00pm

Ruspidge Memorial Hall  

Speaker ~ Fiona Warin  'Lost the Plot'

 We're really looking forward to our Speaker in October,

please come and join us  

All members, non members and newcomers most welcome